(Download a hi-res version of this image off our Patreon to make your wallpaper!) Hey, everyone! It’s been a while since something’s been posted that isn’t on the Patreon. 2024 was overall a tumultuous time, impacting the delivery of multiple things (Soundless artbook, website redesign, etc.) and resulting in a lot of radio silence on
Category: 7388 Development
Happy New Yuri 2024 from milk+ visual!
What an active year 2023 was for us! With dozens upon dozens of devlogs and a whopping two releases (four if you count Soundless-related things), we shall pridefully shout to the world that we’re back, baby! To recap… The sole loose end from last year is the Soundless digital artbook, which is currently in production.
Happy New Yuri! 2022 Look-Back, 2023 Look-Forward

Well, everyone, what an active year it was for milk+ visual! After years of near-radio silence with hardly any blips from time to time, it’s nice to finally be back in the development ring. Kinda feels like we’ve been broken out of amber! Last year, we released the 5th anniversary definitive edition of Soundless, raised
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March 2019 Monthly

:blobsweats: So! We missed January and February. Life hit us like a truck. There were some setbacks. You know how it is with one-man teams. Here are our mildly crunchy plans. Get the new website done…now…please By all means, the new site design is nearly done–we just need to put the finishing touches on the
milk+ Really Cool Super Monthly News Christmas Edition December 2018

Happy holidays everyone, it’s time for another monthly installment! We actually almost forgot to write this up. Wew lads.
MILK+ Super Cool Monthly News (temp name) November 2018
Merry Retail Christmas everyone! Hope you had a wonderful Halloween. This is MILK+ here bringing you a brand new monthly news feature that tells you everything we’re going to be doing (or want to do…) right now because apparently Weekly Development Posts fell through months ago. Oops. Maybe “what we’re gonna do” will be a
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Soundless 1st Anniversary Celebration + 7388 News

In one week, it’ll officially be the one year anniversary of the release of Soundless! To celebrate Soundless’s 1st anniversary and thank everyone for all their support, we’ve got a few special surprises. And for those of you here for 7388, we’ve got some great news for you too!
7388, POLYCHROMANIA Delayed For Health Reasons
Hello, I will be speaking personally as PAPAIRA and not as the entity milk+ for this post. I believe the formal “we” is too detached for this subject. For the past few weeks or so I have gone through a lot physically. It is common for those who draw often to experience carpal and/or cubital
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7388 Release Date Pushed Back to 5/16
Hello, We have chosen to push the release date of 7388 back to May 16th. We underestimated how long it would take to complete the art assets needed for the game and failed to account for potential hindrances such as other obligations and burnout. If we were to crunch and release on the previously planned