Soundless Sample Page Released

The sample page for Soundless has finally been released! You can view it here. There are a couple of new CGs that can be viewed. There’s also a new commemorative banner celebrating the upcoming release date on the website’s front page. The full version of the image can be seen here. With this, we really

After 2 Months

Soundless is cursed just like The Omen, The Phantom of the Opera and Poltergeist. I’m kidding…I hope. It seems as if every time I try to work on Soundless something bad happens. Some worrying things happened here and there earlier in production which I won’t go into detail about…but I believe announcing the release date

Weekly Update 4/16

Hello, hello! For those who don’t know, this post was delayed because yesterday was Easter Sunday. While there isn’t much to show as the CGs recently completed are all spoiler-y, we’ll give you a tiny piece of one of them as a treat: Here is the progress so far Scenario: 71% (Third draft) Artwork: 52% (Finished

Welcome to the new MILK+ Website!

Thanks to our new web hosting service and domain, the entity MILK+ is now separate from my own personal portfolio! Naturally, this also includes my old blog, which will become a personal blog as well. What you’re seeing now is the brand new blog. From here on out, any information about the development of Soundless,