Soundless is cursed just like The Omen, The Phantom of the Opera and Poltergeist. I’m kidding…I hope. It seems as if every time I try to work on Soundless something bad happens. Some worrying things happened here and there earlier in production which I won’t go into detail about…but I believe announcing the release date
Author: milkpluspapaya
Important Information
Note: this post was pre-written on May 5th and scheduled to post on the 7th.
Weekly Update 4/30
Hey everyone, Papaira here. Last week, not much was done. This is because on Monday I developed a kidney infection due to my negligence of my health and had to recover. While I wasn’t sent to the hospital, I was told that I needed to recover with antibiotics and rest. The fevers made it difficult
Weekly Update 4/23
Hey guys! Once again this week we haven’t got a ton that we can show you without spoiling the game. But we do have a great CG sketch snippet to show off of Delilah!
Weekly Update 4/16
Hello, hello! For those who don’t know, this post was delayed because yesterday was Easter Sunday. While there isn’t much to show as the CGs recently completed are all spoiler-y, we’ll give you a tiny piece of one of them as a treat: Here is the progress so far Scenario: 71% (Third draft) Artwork: 52% (Finished
Weekly Update 4/9
This week, we’ve got 2 new CGs to show off! On top of that, there has also been some writing progress.
New Staff Introduction
Hey there! You can call me curry. I’m part of the new staff here at MILK+, and I’m pleased to be a part of this amazing project! I’m here because the main developer needed a PR person, so I decided to volunteer. Drawing is my main hobby, but I also like to play idol phone
soundless! a quiet classroom in after school DEMO PV

EDIT POST-APRIL FOOLS: While April Fool’s may be over, there’s a special, very real announcement below, hence the pin. That’s right! You watched that properly! Soundless is now an ecchi comedy to keep up with the times!
Welcome to the new MILK+ Website!
Thanks to our new web hosting service and domain, the entity MILK+ is now separate from my own personal portfolio! Naturally, this also includes my old blog, which will become a personal blog as well. What you’re seeing now is the brand new blog. From here on out, any information about the development of Soundless,