Hey guys! Once again this week we haven’t got a ton that we can show you without spoiling the game. But we do have a great CG sketch snippet to show off of Delilah!
Category: Soundless Development
Weekly Update 4/16
Hello, hello! For those who don’t know, this post was delayed because yesterday was Easter Sunday. While there isn’t much to show as the CGs recently completed are all spoiler-y, we’ll give you a tiny piece of one of them as a treat: Here is the progress so far Scenario: 71% (Third draft) Artwork: 52% (Finished
Weekly Update 4/9
This week, we’ve got 2 new CGs to show off! On top of that, there has also been some writing progress.
soundless! a quiet classroom in after school DEMO PV

EDIT POST-APRIL FOOLS: While April Fool’s may be over, there’s a special, very real announcement below, hence the pin. That’s right! You watched that properly! Soundless is now an ecchi comedy to keep up with the times!