I think it’s finally about time for a good progress update on Three Lilies, don’t you? Also I wanted to make a blog post in general.
Three Lilies Updates Oh Yay!

I think it’s finally about time for a good progress update on Three Lilies, don’t you? Also I wanted to make a blog post in general.
Hi there. Papaya here.
:blobsweats: So! We missed January and February. Life hit us like a truck. There were some setbacks. You know how it is with one-man teams. Here are our mildly crunchy plans. Get the new website done…now…please By all means, the new site design is nearly done–we just need to put the finishing touches on the
Hello everyone. I have an important announcement concerning both the development of 7388 and POLYCHROMANIA. Recently, I underwent laparoscopic surgery for appendicitis treatment. This treatment causes me to work at half the speed I normally do. As a result, we might not make NaNoRenO and 7388 will most likely end up coming out on the
Soundless has officially been released! You can get it here off itch.io for Windows, MacOS, and Linux. The game is free, but it’s set to “name your price” so that you can support us. However, in wake of Hurricane Maria, anything that’s donated between now and October 6th 8:00PM PDT will go to World Hope
Continue reading… “Soundless Released + Hurricane Maria Relief”
Hey everyone, The stress of crunch has caught up with me and has taken a toll on my physical health. For instance, I just stared at the screen for five minutes while writing this post because I forgot how to $ renpy.speak.language(“American English”) In this state I’ll either be unable to release the game right
Continue reading… “We Have To Delay It For A Week, But Man, Are We Close”
The sample page for Soundless has finally been released! You can view it here. There are a couple of new CGs that can be viewed. There’s also a new commemorative banner celebrating the upcoming release date on the website’s front page. The full version of the image can be seen here. With this, we really
Soundless is cursed just like The Omen, The Phantom of the Opera and Poltergeist. I’m kidding…I hope. It seems as if every time I try to work on Soundless something bad happens. Some worrying things happened here and there earlier in production which I won’t go into detail about…but I believe announcing the release date
Note: this post was pre-written on May 5th and scheduled to post on the 7th.
Hey everyone, Papaira here. Last week, not much was done. This is because on Monday I developed a kidney infection due to my negligence of my health and had to recover. While I wasn’t sent to the hospital, I was told that I needed to recover with antibiotics and rest. The fevers made it difficult